Marie Skłodowska-Curie Individual Fellowships Start

Marie Skłodowska-Curie Individual Fellowships Start

University of Calabria, Italy
1 Mar 2022

Researcher Mario Coscarello, winner of the prestigious Marie Skłodowska-Curie Individual Fellowships, one of the most competitive research programs in the European Union, will join the Unical from March 1st. Coscarello, former research fellow at the Department of Political and Social Sciences of the university, was hired with a direct call, a procedure allowed by the Ministry of University and Research for the winners of a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Fellowship, demonstrating the value that Mur himself attributes to the program. In addition, to encourage the recruitment of researchers recognized by the EU of excellence in universities, the ministry participates in the call with a co-financing. At the Unical Coscarello he started the Essentials research project, which earned him the victory – he competed with over 11 thousand applications – as part of the European call. “Essentials”, Experiences of Social and Solidarity Economy: Networks of Incubators as TerritoriAL development Strategies, aims at a qualitative-quantitative analysis of business incubators in Europe and Latin America to contribute to the creation of a more social and supportive economy . The scientific activities will be conducted for the first two years at the National University of Quilmes (Argentina) and for a period at the Polytechnic of Turin, in particular with the Social Innovation Monitor (SIM) research group. The activities will end at the University of Calabria at the Department of Political and Social Sciences, under the supervision of Professor Giulio Citroni and at TechNest, the Unical business incubator.

Dr. Mario Coscarello
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