Presentation of the ESSENTIALS project at the University of Calabria

Presentation of the ESSENTIALS project at the University of Calabria

Centro Congressi "B. Andreatta", University of Calabria, Italy
1 Mar 2022

The project ESSENTIALS will be presented to the academic community on March 1st, during the conference “Social and solidarity economy experiences: Networks of incubators as territorial development strategies” which will take place in mixed mode, in the presence of the Aula Magna “B. Andreatta “of Unical is online, from 11.30 to 13.

The objectives of Essentials are to examine the contexts in which incubators have developed, with a focus on those with a social impact, their main organizational characteristics, the role of public and private actors, through a comparative analysis of experiences in Latin America. (Argentina and Brazil) and Europe (Italy, France, Spain, Germany, UK). The aim is to identify the factors that contribute to the creation of incubators, the effects and their ability to stimulate the creation of networks / models / practices with a high social impact, trying to understand even if there is a relationship between gender and characteristics organization of an incubator. Furthermore, the project intends to analyze the European context in order to understand the success mechanisms (strengths and strategic elements) and possible weaknesses of incubators, with an in-depth study of those that adopt an ecosystem approach aimed at the territory and not only at the individual company.

A pilot initiative will be carried out at the University of Calabria, which will allow the experimentation of a social impact incubator capable of suggesting practical solutions for the implementation of a sustainable entrepreneurial ecosystem capable of generating benefits in terms of economic and social impact.

Presentation video

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